Super Mom of the Week

Big City Mom Super Mom of the Week King-Yee Man and her family
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June 2011

Super Mom of the Week: King-Yee Man


BCM — How did your life change when you became a mom?

King — Almost everything, but top 3 – I can function on 4 hrs of sleep a night if necessary. I thought I was a good multi-tasker before but now I KNOW I’m a good multi-tasker. Being able to see the world thru these little people’s eyes–what an incredible gift.

BCM — What has been your most memorable moment (s) as a mom?

King — When Sophie was 5 she asked, “Mommy, are you two things? A designer and a mommy? I want to be two things too when I grow up.” My heart melted.

BCM — What has been the biggest challenge for you in motherhood. Any advice for new moms?

King — I was completely unprepared for the sharp shift in my own self identity. I had never babysat or had babies around me growing up. My close friends didn’t have kids yet. The transition from a working professional to SAHM when Andrew was born and redefining myself was very difficult. And I feel the transition is constant as the kids get older–they need me more in some ways and less in others.

Advice? Be patient with yourself as you figure out what a new life balance is for you and your family. Also, find a like-minded group of moms you love and see them often. From worrying if your baby is developing ok to wondering if you’re crazy about how much you worry, it is so comforting to know you’re not alone.

BCM — Congratulations on the success of Think King? What inspired you to start your own business?

King — Thanks! My dear husband says, “Invention is the necessity of motherhood”. Like many parent inventors out there, I had a need and made my own solution. I’m a bit obsessed with gear so it was fun for me. I was approached by so many moms everywhere–the playground, pediatrician’s office, train station, airport, Ikea–asking where they can buy one. I knew there was a market out there so I figured I’d just give it a try.

BCM — Right now you make Buggy Cups and Buggy Hooks. Do you have plans for any other products?

King — Yes! The new Jumbo Swirly Hook will be available at the end June. It’s another great option to help hang your bags or purse or toys from your stroller.

BCM — Can you share some tips for moms who are thinking about starting their own business?

King — Be aware of all roles required for running your own business. Be sure you are signed on to all of them or partner with someone who can work with you. I work harder now than I ever have working for someone else but my personal satisfaction has made it all worth it. I am grateful for the flexibility so I can be with my kids at the times when it’s most important to them. I can be the hands-on parent that I want to be and follow a passion that is not related to my children.

BCM — What types of activities do you like to do w/ your kids?

King — We have always loved all the museums, esp the Hall of Science. They love to travel, by any means–bus, cable car, elephant. I like to just talk to my kids too. They say the funniest things and are so enthusiastic about their ideas.

BCM — What has been your favorite Big City Moms event to date?

King — The lunches are fantastic, especially for connecting with moms in your new community of parenthood. And of course the Biggest Baby Showers are the best place to see all the gear and services out there!

I’m totally obsessed with….

King — all types of gear, esp strollers

My biggest influence is…

King — my parents who have sacrificed so much for us and my kids

My favorite drugstore buy is..

King — Huggies Wipes. They can clean ANYTHING.
Products I can’t live without..

King — lip gloss, sunscreen and squeezable fruit pouches (someone needs to brand them for older kids and adults!)

My guilty pleasure is…

King — shopping for myself

Favorite restaurant…

King — any–I don’t have to be a short order cook nor clean!